Philanthropy (Philoptochos)


Thank you for your interest in our Ministry.

The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society is the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America that has offered 85 years of philanthropy through a multitude of programs that make a difference in the lives of people in the United States and throughout the world. The Philoptochos Society has 26,000 members and more than 400 active chapters, nationwide. In 2016, National Philoptochos distributed $2.06 million in philanthropic aid.

Philoptochos means “Friends of the Poor”. The mission of Philoptochos is to “help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, those with disabilities, and the victims of disasters”.

Our parish is blessed with an active chapter of approximately 60 women of all ages, who are also friends and sisters in Christ. By combining our time, talents and treasures, we work together to carry out the mission of Philoptochos. The following are some examples of our activities. A more complete list of activities is detailed in the Philoptochos flyer.

  • Support our parish members by organizing fellowship and community service activities.
  • Provide Makaria luncheons, grief resource packets and koliva preparation for memorials.
  • Send care packages to our college students during finals.
  • Sponsor monthly coffee hours on Sunday mornings.
  • Provide financial support for parish programs such as the Oratorical Festival and youth camp scholarships.
  • Provide emergency assistance as requested by the parish priest.
  • Offer a spiritual retreat during Lent.

We financially support the Denver Metropolis and Archdiocese National Philoptochos Society Commitments/Programs. To see the complete list of these Commitments/Programs, visit

Annunciation Philoptochos continues to look for ways to offer gifts of time, talent, and money to fulfill our national commitments as well as to help civic charities of greater Kansas City and members of our parish family.  We believe everyone has gifts to share. In keeping with this belief, our ministry looks for gifts that include hospitality, counseling, service, the desire to help others and compassion.

Please consider joining us and sharing your gifts!

2021 Commitment Form

For more information contact:
Subject Line: Philanthropy